Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Fear vs. Courage

Are fear and courage mutually exclusive?  No, without fear, true courage cannot exist.  Sometimes there is an appearance of courage without fear but I would call that cocky not courage. 

At its core fear is good, and just like pain, it's God given.  Just like pain gives us boundaries to know when to stop hitting our fingers with a hammer, fear allows us to know danger and to steer away from it or to acknowledge it and proceed into danger, this is the natural "fight or flight" response.  When fear exists alone we live by it.  This unhealthy fear is disruptive and causes one to stagnate.  It is more imagined than real.

Faith, defined by the Holy Bible as the "substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen" (Heb 11:1 KJV), coupled with healthy fear, which is defined as one that keeps us alert and motivated, equals true courage.  We could make a mathematical equation like this, Biblical faith + healthy fear = TRUE courage.

I bring this up because my life is disrupted by fear, I am paralyzed by something that is imagined. As I read of the great prophets of the Old Testament, Joshua chapter 1 is the most memorable to me.  Moses had just died and Joshua was being given orders to lead the Jews into the promised land and the Lord tells him to "be strong and courageous" three times in four verses (Jos 1:6-9).    Strength and courage are obviously very important to our Creator.

I have faith in Christ and have even seen Him do immeasurably more than I could have asked or imagined many times over.  So what's the problem?  The only thing I can think of is that I have been afraid for so long that it's business as usual (BAU). 

The only thing I can do is take action. This has to be my "New BAU". By God's grace I will step out in Biblical faith with healthy fear and leave my fearful life behind. His mercies are new everyday.  As the song below repeats several times "I want to be courageous".

This entry is totally based upon my experience and world view. I am not a counselor, PhD, MD nor do I have any other letters behind my name other than Sr.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday, 2012

I originally shared this April 10, 2009 (Good Friday), I am hoping that this causes you to ponder as accurately as one can 2000+ years after the fact what was going on inside Jesus' body on that day when Jesus willingly died upon the Cross for ALL of our sins. Please copy and paste if you want to. Happy Easter ya'all!!

I want to remind all of you about today, Good Friday. This is the day that we remember Jesus’ death on the cross just over 2000 years ago. It is beautiful today, April 6, 2012 but the Gospels say that on the day Jesus died that the noon sky turned dark. Fitting on this day. This writing is graphic, but necessary to accurately remember why we  Good Friday and Easter. 

Isaiah chapter 53 tells us that God, himself, willed that Christ suffer and die as an offering for sin... Our sin.

V.10 "Yet it was the Lord's will to crush him and cause him to suffer,

and though the Lord makest his life an offering for sin,

he will see his offspring and prolong his days,

and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand." 

It is important to understand from the beginning that Jesus would have been in excellent physical condition. As a carpenter by trade, He participated in physical labor. In addition, He spent much of His ministry traveling on foot across the countryside. His stamina and strength were, most likely, very well developed. With that in mind, it is clear just how much He suffered: If this torture could break a man in such good shape, it must have been a horrific experience.

After the Passover celebration, Jesus takes His disciples to Gethsemene to pray. During His anxious prayer about the events to come, Jesus sweats drops of blood. There is a rare medical condition called hemohedrosis, during which the capillary blood vessels that feed the sweat glands break down. Blood released from the vessels mixes with the sweat; therefore, the body sweats drops of blood. This condition results from mental anguish or high anxiety, a state Jesus expresses by praying “my soul is deeply grieved to the point of death” (Matthew 26:38). Hemohidrosis makes the skin tender, so Jesus’ physical condition worsens slightly.

Traveling from Pilate to Herod and back again, Jesus walks approximately two and a half miles. He has not slept, and He has been mocked and beaten (Luke 22:63-65). In addition, His skin remains tender from the hemohedrosis. His physical condition worsens.

Pilate orders Jesus to be flogged as required by Roman law before crucifixion Traditionally, the accused stood naked, and the flogging covered the area from the shoulders down to the upper legs. The whip consisted of several strips of leather. In the middle of the strips were metal balls that hit the skin, causing deep bruising. In addition, sheep bone was attached to the tips of each strip. 

When the bone makes contact with Jesus’ skin, it digs into His muscles, tearing out chunks of flesh and exposing the bone beneath. The flogging leaves the skin on Jesus’ back in long ribbons. By this point, He has lost a great volume of blood which causes His blood pressure to fall and puts Him into shock. The human body attempts to remedy imbalances such as decreased blood volume, so Jesus’ thirst is His body’s natural response to His suffering (John 19:28). If He would have drank water, His blood volume would have increased.

Roman soldiers place a crown of thorns on Jesus’ head and a robe on His back (Matthew 27:28-29). The robe helps the blood clot (similar to putting a piece of tissue on a cut from shaving) to prevent Jesus from sustaining more blood loss. As they hit Jesus in the head (Matthew 27:30), the thorns from the crown push into the skin and He begins bleeding profusely. The thorns also cause damage to the nerve that supplies the face, causing intense pain down His face and neck. As they mock Him, the soldiers also belittle Jesus by spitting on Him (Matthew 27:30). They rip the robe off Jesus’ back and the bleeding starts afresh.

Jesus’ physical condition becomes critical. Due to severe blood loss without replacement, Jesus is undoubtedly in shock. As such, He is unable to carry the cross and Simon of Cyrene executes this task (Matthew 27:32).

Crucifixion was invented by the Persians between 300-400 B.C. It is quite possibly the most painful death ever invented by humankind. The English language derives the word “excruciating” from crucifixion, acknowledging it as a form of slow, painful suffering.1 Its punishment was reserved for slaves, foreigners, revolutionaries, and the vilest of criminals. Victims were nailed to a cross; however, Jesus’ cross was probably not the Latin cross, but rather a Tau cross (T). The vertical piece (the stipes) remains in the ground permanently. The accused carries only the horizontal piece (the patibulum) up the hill. Atop the patibulum lies a sign (the titulus), indicating that a formal trial occurred for a violation of the law. In Jesus’ case, this reads “This is the King of the Jews” (Luke 23:38).

The accused needed to be nailed to the patibulum while lying down, so Jesus is thrown to the ground, reopening His wounds, grinding in dirt, and causing bleeding. They nail His “hands” to the patibulum. The Greek meaning of “hands” includes the wrist. It is more likely that the nails went through Jesus’ wrists. If the nails were driven into the hand, the weight of the arms would cause the nail to rip through the soft flesh. 

Therefore, the upper body would not be held to the cross. If placed in the wrist, the bones in the lower portion of the hand support the weight of the arms and the body remains nailed to the cross. The huge nail (seven to nine inches long)2 damages or severs the major nerve to the hand (the median nerve) upon impact. This causes continuous agonizing pain up both of Jesus’ arms.

Once the victim is secured, the guards lift the patibulum and place it on the stipes already in the ground. As it is lifted, Jesus’ full weight pulls down on His nailed wrists and His shoulders and elbows dislocate (Psalm 22:14).3 In this position, Jesus’ arms stretch to a minimum of six inches longer than their original length.

It is highly likely that Jesus’ feet were nailed through the tops as often pictured. In this position (with the knees flexed at approximately 90 degrees),4 the weight of the body pushes down on the nails and the ankles support the weight. The nails would not rip through the soft tissue as would have occurred with the hands. Again, the nail would cause severe nerve damage (it severs the dorsal pedal artery of the foot) and acute pain.

Normally, to breathe in, the diaphragm (the large muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity) must move down. This enlarges the chest cavity and air automatically moves into the lungs (inhalation). To exhale, the diaphragm rises up, which compresses the air in the lungs and forces the air out (exhalation). As Jesus hangs on the cross, the weight of His body pulls down on the diaphragm and the air moves into His lungs and remains there. Jesus must push up on His nailed feet (causing more pain) to exhale. 

In order to speak, air must pass over the vocal cords during exhalation. The Gospels note that Jesus spoke seven times from the cross. It is amazing that despite His pain, He pushes up to say “Forgive them” (Luke 23:34).

The difficulty surrounding exhalation leads to a slow form of suffocation. Carbon dioxide builds up in the blood, resulting in a high level of carbonic acid in the blood. The body responds instinctively, triggering the desire to breathe. At the same time, the heart beats faster to circulate available oxygen. The decreased oxygen (due to the difficulty in exhaling) causes damage to the tissues and the capillaries begin leaking watery fluid from the blood into the tissues. This results in a build-up of fluid around the heart (pericardial effusion) and lungs (pleural effusion). The collapsing lungs, failing heart, dehydration, and the inability to get sufficient oxygen to the tissues essentially suffocate the victim.5 The decreased oxygen also damages the heart itself (myocardial infarction) which leads to cardiac arrest. In severe cases of cardiac stress, the heart can even burst, a process known as cardiac rupture.6 Jesus most likely died of a heart attack.

After Jesus’ death, the soldiers break the legs of the two criminals crucified alongside Him (John 19:32), causing suffocation. Death would then occur quicker. When they came to Jesus, He was already dead so they did not break His legs (John 19:33). Instead, the soldiers pierced His side (John 19:34) to assure that He was dead. In doing this, it is reported that “blood and water came out” (John 19:34), referring to the watery fluid surrounding the heart and lungs. 

While these unpleasant facts depict a brutal murder, the depth of Christ’s pain emphasizes the true extent of God’s love for His creation. Teaching the physiology of Christ’s crucifixion is a constant reminder of the magnificent demonstration of God’s love for humanity that was expressed that day in Calvary. This lesson enables me to participate in communion, the remembrance of His sacrifice, with a grateful heart. I am struck every time with the stunning realization that as a flesh and blood human, Jesus felt every ounce of this execution. What greater love than this can a man have for his friends?

Cahleen Shrier, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the Department of Biology and Chemistry.

Tally (French ’00) Flint, is editor in the Office of University Marketing and Creative Media.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Where Are You Daddy?

Treyvon Martin is a 17 year old young black man who was shot to death in Florida recently.  A lot has been made of the ethnicity of both Treyvon and the Hispanic/white man who committed the shooting, George Zimmerman.

Why is the ethnicity of either one relevant?  I don't know.  What I do know is that we see Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the Black Panthers demanding justice be done.  I think justice should be done too.  If Zimmerman shot Martin wrongfully he should be in jail.  If not he should walk.  And I believe justice will be done without the help of the bullies mentioned previously.  The justice system is NOT perfect in the United States and is run by human beings (how could it be perfect?), but overall it works well and is the best we have.

These bullies do nothing more than raise racial tensions, they are definitely NOT responsible for bringing people together.  Sharpton and Jackson use the veil of  "Reverend" in their title.  They may have been to seminary and graduated but they don't act like Reverends. 

They don't seem to love people... Reverends, that is actually a command in Scripture. I don't see any love in their actions, but I do see divisiveness and hatred.  I believe in the authority of the Holy Scriptures. God's Word says "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" (John 13:34-35).  Incidentally, the commands of the Bible are only for those believing in the deity of Christ, no one else.

How will everyone know that we are disciples of Jesus (Christians)?  By LOVING one another.  Note there is no loophole for ethnicity or otherwise.
Now for the Black Panthers.  On The O'Reilly Factor a spokesman for this radical group (@3:30 into the video) stated that since one of his people were taken, one of "yours" will be taken.  He also threw down a bounty of $1,000,000,000 for the capture of Mr. Zimmerman.  This group is equal to the KKK, both groups are racist at their core. 

President Obama has even weighed in on this case.  I'm glad he takes this seriously.  How about the case of two British students who were murdered in Florida?  The parents of the white teens have sent three letters to the President without even a whisper of a response from the President or his staff.  On the horrific scale, the murders of the two Brits as they begged for their lives pegs the horrific meter.  The convicted killer is a black man.  Hello... Mr. President?

In Cal Thomas' article, What's Different About Trayvon Martin?, Mr. Thomas asks the question "Would Al Sharpton have made the trip if Martin had been white?"  Let's expand that to Jesse Jackson and The Black Panthers.  Would they have even mentioned this incident?  I understand that black men die at the hands of black men more than any other group.  Where are these "champions" then?

In my previous Blog post titled, Men's College Basketball, I said "The hinge point of society as a whole is that men have left the family, either physically or emotionally...or BOTH.  And, "yes" I think that is why our prisons are so overcrowded today, so many children have grown up in families where the father is absent and that makes good male role models really hard to find..."  What is a boy turned Father going to do if his daddy was never there?  He is going to do as he has been taught... to leave emotionally, physically or BOTH.  

I am not a perfect Father by any stretch of the imagination, but I am the best one my kids have.  They depend on me for things they don't understand and won't understand until, Lord willing, they are parents themselves.  Hey Dads, weather you are married or not, if you have children, they are depending on you too.  

As Fathers in this generation we have to step up and be "Daddy" and teach them to depend on "Abba, Father".  Here is a sobering thought, the way children see their Fathers is how they see God, that is, until they realize their earthly Daddy is NOT God.  

Regardless of racial heritage the incidents mentioned here are devastating to all of those involved.  We should pray for the families of the victims as well as those accused or convicted.  Everyone involved has lost someone and my hope and prayer is they are believers or, throught this devastation become believers in the risen Christ. Our only hope for perfect justice is through Christ.

*As of publication George Zimmerman has not been formally charged with any crime.