I actually started this entry on May 28, 2012. It was finally published on May 4, 2013.
My oldest son is 20 and left town last May (2012)...600 miles out of town! He went for a couple of weeks to prepare to move there permanently in July.
Yes, he has a plan and some friends there who are good people whom he will be connecting with, and a good church to be a part of to boot.
The empty nest feels weird to me, I don't know maybe not so much. See, I am a divorce' and the non-custodial parent so I have been an empty nester for 14 years. I have missed alot of triumphs and disappointments no doubt. I played a major role in their lives until my marriage, two tough pregnancies, little kids and high school came around. Life took over and I don't know where the time went. Harry Chapin's song "Cat's In The Craddle" is just ringing in my head. Most of the events I could not change nor would I have made alot of different decisions in that time. I bet all Dads, to some extent, have these types of feelings.
I must say that I am so stinking proud of this man...he is a man. He was so much more mature than I was at 19. He loves the Lord and his family and he is theologically sound and has professional aspirations and goals! It is so exciting to watch him be molded by God! Oh, did I tell you he really left to pursue a young woman?
Guess where he met this young lady? Nicaragua. My son traveled over 1700 miles and she traveled over 2300 miles to a youth mission trip. When they signed up they thought they were just going to tell other children about Jesus and help an orphanage.These mission trips, 3 in all, proved to be the blooming of a love story only God could write.
How else would they have met? Although her family has roots in our hometown, and even to the church he went to, they may have heard each other's name but they never met.
Michael and Lauren kept in touch by mostly by text over those years and as soon as he finished his 1 year residency with his church he was told by her Dad that if they wanted to even think about marriage he needed to he needed to move there "so you can get on each others nerves". So he did. Her Dad arranged for a place for Michael to stay and over the past year their relationship has blossomed and are getting married this summer.
They belong together.
Lauren, we are truly blessed to have you in our family!