I am a follower of Christ who is in love with my wife. We have 5 children that range in age from 20 to 5 years (one is our daughter-in-law). I am also passionately against abortion and otherwise espouse conservative social and political beliefs.
I have volunteered and or worked in the emergency services (EMS and Fire Dept.) for 20 years, spent 6 years working various positions in a hospital and the last 9 in retail sales.
Yesterday I saw lots of posts on Twitter from local and national news organizations about the tornado bearing down on Moore, OK yesterday, May 20, 2013.
One of the links was to TV station KFOR who was streaming live. The view I initially saw was from the helicopter which was showing the devastation as it happened. The reporter was calling out street names and buildings that appeared to be in the immediate path... oh, and yes, they were in the air with the twister.
This is what I saw live...
I've never seen anything like this before. The reporter stated that they would not be able to "maintain a hover" because the tornado was "sucking us in". I call that extreme storm chasing.
I heard the raw emotion in their voices as they called out intersections and particular buildings. The reporters live here. Their own homes and those of family and friends were being destroyed at the same time. I felt as if this were happening to my family, like I was in Moore, OK.
After the tornado had "roped out" or finished it's devastation, they panned the lens to see the devastation. Whole neighborhoods leveled, vehicles stacked in front of the hospital's main entrance, a school decimated, the school where it is reported that 24 third grade students perished.
I pray for the survivors of this catastrophe. The survivors are all of the volunteers, first responders, reporters... anyone still breathing. May God draw you all close and comfort you as only He can.
Let me start by saying that I am pro lifeANDpro choice. I believe that if a woman is pregnant she should remain that way until the birth of her child. I also believe in choice... the choice to engage in activity that could result in pregnancy, especially if pregnancy is not desired or not to engage in that activity.
Where does one start when telling the truth about abortion? Is it at conception? Is it at the point one starts thinking about choices to be made? Neither. We will start with the abortionist, for without them abortions couldn't be performed.
This person has lost track of why he or she went to Med School in the first place. Most Med students probably don't get in hoping to be an abortionist.
One former abortion provider said this in an article "The first one that I did was kind of hard. It was like hurting again (from watching his first abortion) like a hot poker. But after a while, it got to where it didn’t hurt”
It's the progression of sin as outlined in the book of James 1:14-15 that reads "but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is full grown, gives birth to death." Someone used this math problem to show the progression... Desire + Opportunity = Action. If one of the addends are missing there is no action or in this case full grown death.
I see the same thing happening to employees. For them getting out seems to be equivalent to getting out of the porn business or a gang. There are ministries that help as they find new employment and pry them away from the bully boss and the codependency that must manifest.
The doctors and employees are conditioned to sell their product. Does anyone really believe that they fully counsel the women about the options of parenting or adoption vs. abortion? I'm in sales and I don't counsel potential customers to look at competing businesses. I want them to buy from me right now, and so do abortion providers.
Physicians take the Hippocratic Oath at graduation to do no harm. Abortion providers by definition do harm. They kill... intentionally, and that, by difinition, is a pre planned murder.
The oath states in part
4. i.And I will not give a drug that is deadly to anyone if asked [for it],
ii. nor will I suggest the way to such a counsel
7. i. I will go for the benefit of the ill
8. i. a. If I render this oath fulfilled, and if I do not blur and confound it [making it to no effect] b. may it be [granted] to me to enjoy the benefits both of life and of techne,
c. being held in good repute among all human beings for time eternal.
ii. a. If, however, I transgress and purjure myself,
b. the opposite of these
The last line tells the fate of Kermit Gosnell. He recieved 3 life sentences for 1st degree murder of born alive babies. In a plea deal the prosecutor will not seek the death penalty and Gosnell will die in prison with no chance of parole. He was also found guilty on over 200 more charges including racketering and others. Oh, the void in the soul of the person who chooses to be an abortion provider after taking that oath. He or she has blurred and confounded the oath to do no harm making it to no effect. This person is not held in good repute among all human beings for time eternal. Actually "the opposite of these".
In Houston (this link has very graphic and disturbing photos and videos that were taken by workers who have become whistle blowers) there is another Physician, and I use that title very loosely, who is being investigated by Texas authorities and I pray that the flood gates open and officials find the illegalities that I believe are rampantly going on behind the backs of or maybe right in front of the governing bodies. This is the video that prompted this post. George Tiller was an abortionist recorded this video for his patients to view while going through the abortion process.
Below are links to 3 very informative web sites on this issue. BE AWARE that in order to gain information on this subject you will read and or see some very graphic media. Reading and viewing this media has stirred my being. I bet it will stir yours too.