Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Fear vs. Courage

Are fear and courage mutually exclusive?  No, without fear, true courage cannot exist.  Sometimes there is an appearance of courage without fear but I would call that cocky not courage. 

At its core fear is good, and just like pain, it's God given.  Just like pain gives us boundaries to know when to stop hitting our fingers with a hammer, fear allows us to know danger and to steer away from it or to acknowledge it and proceed into danger, this is the natural "fight or flight" response.  When fear exists alone we live by it.  This unhealthy fear is disruptive and causes one to stagnate.  It is more imagined than real.

Faith, defined by the Holy Bible as the "substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen" (Heb 11:1 KJV), coupled with healthy fear, which is defined as one that keeps us alert and motivated, equals true courage.  We could make a mathematical equation like this, Biblical faith + healthy fear = TRUE courage.

I bring this up because my life is disrupted by fear, I am paralyzed by something that is imagined. As I read of the great prophets of the Old Testament, Joshua chapter 1 is the most memorable to me.  Moses had just died and Joshua was being given orders to lead the Jews into the promised land and the Lord tells him to "be strong and courageous" three times in four verses (Jos 1:6-9).    Strength and courage are obviously very important to our Creator.

I have faith in Christ and have even seen Him do immeasurably more than I could have asked or imagined many times over.  So what's the problem?  The only thing I can think of is that I have been afraid for so long that it's business as usual (BAU). 

The only thing I can do is take action. This has to be my "New BAU". By God's grace I will step out in Biblical faith with healthy fear and leave my fearful life behind. His mercies are new everyday.  As the song below repeats several times "I want to be courageous".

This entry is totally based upon my experience and world view. I am not a counselor, PhD, MD nor do I have any other letters behind my name other than Sr.

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